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Hatch Off-Grid Conversion

SKU 00016
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Product Details

If you originally ordered the standard door and want to convert to an off-grid door, this includes everything you will need. The door will operate for 2 weeks without any sun, and the panel comes with a 15 foot cord so you can easily position it the panel in an optimal location even if your door isn't placed on the south side of the coop. Kit will require a small flat screwdriver, a 2.5mm allen wrench, and a standard phillips screwdriver to install, and the process should take less than 15 minutes, using our instructional video as a guide.

-4.5 mAh SLA battery w/wiring

-3 Watt Solar Panel w/mounting hardware

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Hatch Off-Grid Conversion

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Anna: (406) 686-2819

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1412 Rapelje Rd. Big Timber, MT 59011 (Engineering)

110 Wolfskill Ave, Molt, MT 59057 ( Shipping)

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